Newsweek Op-Ed: ‘Republican Support for Same-Sex Marriage Bill Proves What’s Possible in Congress’

“While some activist journalists, keyboard warriors, and vocal politicians will keep stoking the fires of political discord and dysfunction, rest assured there are many of us dedicated to getting the job done for the American people.”
Republicans Praise U.S. House Passage of the Respect for Marriage Act

“With today’s bipartisan vote in the U.S. House, more than 50 Republican Senators and Members of Congress stood on the right side of history to protect the freedoms of millions of Americans in same-sex and interracial marriages while respecting religious liberty.”
Republicans Praise U.S. Senate Passage of the Respect for Marriage Act

“Tonight, the U.S. Senate took another bold step forward towards affirming that the freedom to marry for loving same-sex and interracial couples is a settled issue.”